Daily Programs
ITAV preschool is a three-classroom facility for 2.9 – 5 year old children. We offer several options Monday- Friday, including:
9 am – 11:50 am morning session
12 pm - 3 pm afternoon session
9 am - 2:50 pm full day
Extended hours are also available from 8 am- 9 am and 2:50 pm- 4 pm for families requiring extra care (for an additional fee).
Transportation to and from school must be provided by parents/guardians.
Only the parents/guardians listed on the registration form and the emergency contacts listed on the child profile agreement will be authorized to pick up with a photo ID. Any changes to this agreement will require written permission.
All pick up and drop offs will be through our north entrance by the parking lot. Our doors will remain locked while school is in session. Please ring the doorbell and you will be buzzed in or the door will be opened by staff.
We provide the children with a healthy and nutritious morning snack. Our snacks are served family style and typically include a dairy and fresh fruit and occasionally a grain. 100% fruit juice, milk, or water will also be served. Please ask if you would like a more detailed list of snacks that we provide. All our snacks are thoughtfully planned and align with our mission to enhance children’s health.
Birthdays and Special Snacks
Bringing in a special snack for your child’s birthday is encouraged. Please let us know in advance so we can plan accordingly. If your child would like to share his/her favorite healthy snack with the class, please feel free to notify the teacher to bring it in any time throughout the year.
Lunch Schedule
Lunch time will be served at noon for children enrolled in a full day program.
All lunches are to be provided by the family with our mission of health and good nutrition as a guideline.
Emergency lunches will be available at the school when children have forgotten their own.
We respect the natural rhythm of childhood. Our mornings are challenging both emotionally, socially, and physically, so after lunch it is in our student’s best interest to rest and reflect. With that being said, napping is not required. There is a quiet and comfortable space along with napping mats for the children who need a nap. We ask that you provide the school with a sheet (fitted crib sheets work best) and other items that aid in rest and relaxation. Quiet time will also be provided for those children who are not in need of a nap, in a room separate from our nappers. We ask that a beach towel be provided for these children to rest on. Please see our resting/napping agreement for more details. Sheet and towels will be sent home periodically to be laundered.
Health and Safety
Please submit the medical form and immunization records before the first day of attendance, and yearly. Students will not be allowed to start before these forms are submitted and reviewed. Updated immunization records should be provided by parents throughout the year if applicable. Please be courteous to our school family and refrain from sending your child to school if he/she is ill. Try to remember to call/email/text if your child will not be in school.
Please keep your child home from school if he/she
has a fever or has had a fever in the last 24 hours.
has had episodes of diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours.
presents with sore throat, nasal discharge, yellow eyes, swollen joints, difficulty breathing, or skin rashes.
For the safety of others, if your child is diagnosed with a communicable illness, we ask that you provide a doctor’s note upon his/her return to school. If your child becomes sick during the school day, you or your emergency contact will be notified immediately.
Written permission must be given to approve application of an over the counter topical such as sunscreen, lotions, and insect repellent. Please ask for this form if needed.
Any child requiring an inhalant or rescue breather is required to leave one at school. Additional paperwork will be required from your physician. Please ask for these forms at registration.
If your child has an allergy, please let us know immediately so that we can set up a safe environment. Additional forms are required for documentation of all allergies. Please ask for these forms at registration.
We use our Outdoor Classroom EVERYDAY, in every weather.
Please dress your child in appropriate wear (dress for a mess and expect that your child will play and work hard in their clothes).
ITAV will provide each child with a waterproof rain suit that we will keep and maintain at school. Please bring your child to school with waterproof rainboots and waterproof mittens.
Snow/Temperatures Below 40 Degrees
Please dress your child warmly. A winter coat, snow pants, hat, WATERPROOF mittens, and insulated boots are required. This attire is not only for snow days. Full gear is also required for days with temperatures below 40 degrees.
Sun and Bugs
Apply sunscreen and/or bug repellant prior to dropping your child off. If your child required a reapplication, please provide us with a labeled product and sign our application form for use of topical applications. Please also provide a hat with your child if desired.
If Rain or insulated boots are not appropriate for the weather, we recommend socks and sneakers. No open toe shoes or sandals.
Spare Clothing
In addition, each child should be provided with a spare set of clothing to be kept at school. These clothes should be clearly labeled and packaged in a large zip lock bag.
ITAV organizes several meet-ups throughout the year. They are usually scheduled during school breaks and are always included on the monthly calendar that is emailed at the beginning of the month.
Parent/Teacher Correspondence
We encourage parents to be active and present in our school setting. Meetings can be scheduled at any time during the year with your child’s teacher to discuss any questions or concerns.
Please feel free to email your child’s teacher with any questions/concerns throughout the year.
Please sign or decline our permission regarding photos of your child.
Tuition and billing will be determined and activated when the enrollment form is signed.
An annual $125 registration fee will be collected at the time of enrollment.
This fee will cover the rental and maintenance of a rain suit, our initial order of school supplies and administrative fees.
Sessions are available on a first come first serve basis. Classes and sessions may fill up and become unavailable if our teacher/student ratio is already met as per state guidelines.
We also offer a 10% sibling discount to be applied to the sibling with the lower tuition payment. This discount is only applied to the base tuition.
If payment is not received by the 15th of the month an additional late fee of $25 may be charged.
Certain unforeseen circumstances may cause you to be late picking up your child. However, if frequent tardiness continues, a $15 charge will be added to your bill every day you are late.
If your child becomes sick during the school day, you or your emergency contact will be notified immediately.
Missed/Make up Days
Make up days for absences are not available. If sessions or full days need to be added temporarily, as long as staff is available to meet state teacher/student ratio, the student may be accommodated. The next month’s bill will reflect the extra care. One day’s notice must be given prior to the date. Student must already be enrolled in ITAV to add an extra session. Extra session rates: ½ day is $50, full day 100
Safety Drills
For the safety of the children and staff regular evacuation drills will be practiced and documented. As per state guidelines we will have monthly fire drills and bi-yearly shelter in place drills.
Fire drills will be discussed with the class throughout the school year. At the sound of the building fire alarm, students and staff will practice safe and time evacuation from the building. We will practice different escape routes and safe meeting places.
Shelter in place drills will occur twice a year and families will be notified prior to the drill. During this drill, children will be kept occupied in a safe section of the room away from windows and doors. A staff member will sit with students and read stories, while other staff members check supplies and emergency contact lists.
School Calendar
Please note we will be following the Hampton Bays school district calendar and will be following all of their emergency closings as well. A copy of this calendar with holidays will be provided with your parent handouts.
The one exception is Election Day November 8, 2016. Our building is used or polling and for the safety of your children ITAV will be closed.
School Closing and Delays
To be up to date on school closings due to weather or unforeseen occurrences please visit our fb page or website. We follow the Hampton Bays UFSD’s decisions on school closings. If there’s a 2-hour delay, school will start at 11. Morning session will end at 12 pm and the afternoon session will be unaffected. Before care will begin at 10 am and aftercare will be unaffected.
As part of our full day program children have the opportunity to participate in enrichment classes like dance, yoga, multi medium art, music, and cooking, taught by committed members of our community.
Staff and Training
Our staff members are all appropriately qualified for their positions. We make sure that every staff member is adequately qualified for their position as per state guidelines, has extensive experience, and is dedicated to the well being of our children. All staff members are in alliance with our mission. We are always in compliance with the state suggested ratio of child to teacher ratio in every classroom. Each staff member is trained on proper ratios and supervision guidelines. Staff members are mandated to report any suspected child abuse. A report will then be immediately made to the appropriate authorities and action will occur. Any person suspected of child abuse will not be allowed on property until a report is in the state’s hands and appropriate decision is made regarding repercussions.
We follow all NY state requirements for Center Based Daycare. We work closely with the Office of Children and Family Services in order to maintain and meet all updated guidelines. Our NY states license is posted in our front lobby.
A copy of state regulations and definitions are available in our office.
NYS Office of Children and Family Services can be reached at (518) 473-7793 or www.ocfs.ny.org
Contact List
For all tuition, enrollment, and scheduling concerns please contact us at ittakesavillagehb@gmail.com or (631) 594-5269.
To report an absence please call (631) 594-5269 or email your child’s teacher.
For other classroom related concerns, please contact your child’s teacher directly.
Michelle Kelly: m.kelly@ittakesavillagehb.com
Hilary Rose: h.rose@ittakesavillagehb.com
Michele Chekijian : m.chekijian@ittakesavillagehb.com